Month: December 2016


The Golden Hour

Taking a small break from the blog over the Christmas period, so please find some war poetry. Perhaps not quite the holiday spirit, but this is what’s in the ready rack. Please feel free to leave questions / comments, and I hope everyone’s enjoying their holidays. Lastly, please spare a thought or two for those
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Author Interview: Alastair Luft

Inkshares author Donna Fung is currently running a video series of author interviews where she digs into tips and techniques for crowdfunding a novel. To date, authors Janna Grace and Jane-Holly Meissner have provided a wealth of knowledge and set the bar high. This week’s interview is with yours truly, so here’s hoping I can
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AUthor Interview: Janna Grace

For those with questions on crowdfunding and the Inkshares platform, Inkshares author Donna Fung has started a new series called Coming Clean on Crowdfunding that looks into both of those topics. This first interview is with Janna Grace, author of The Talkers are Talking. Check out the interview below!


The Importance of Fighting Spirit

There are many high standards in the military, which is a good thing. After all, entrusting an institution with the use of violence on behalf of society is an impressive responsibility. As necessary as these standards are, it can be difficult to meet them all the time. Over the course of my career, as ashamed
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On Edumacation

Yogi Berra reportedly said that, ‘you can observe a lot just by watching.’ Sounds similar to the After-Action Review (AAR) process, a tool of organizational learning that is indeed based on observing a lot. Briefly, the AAR process begins by compiling observations about an event or action. When the event is done, these observations are
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